«Sons surpassed their fathers»: handsome sons of famous actors win millions of hearts

It turns out that many Hollywood actors have attractive sons.😍😍

It turns out that the attractive Hollywood stars who have always won our hearts have very handsome sons. Their fathers will soon retire but they look so handsome that they already have a lot of fans.

Now look at them and see if they look like their fathers or not.

Patrick Schwarzenegger

Arnold has five children and each of them inherited something beautiful from his father. But only one child inherited the best from his parents. He has the character of Arnold and the appearance of Maria Schwaier. Of course, we are talking about Patrick. He decided to follow the same path as his father and chose an acting career. Of course, he didn’t become a bodybuilder, but he became a fashion model and even he manages his own clothing brand for 15 years.

Milo Gibson

Mel Gibson has nine children. He even has a son from a Russian pianist. He had a son named Milo. During his marriage, he had seven heirs. Milo had already decided to become an actor and he took part in his father’s film.

Rafferty Law

Jude Law is a father of five children. He has a daughter and a son who is more popular than the others. He has a chance of becoming more famous than his father. He is very handsome and took the best from his parents. He works as a model, and he has a hobby: he likes to play in the rock band Dirty Harrys. He has a lot of fans like his father.

Raymond Nicholson

Jack has five children from 4 different women. But many say that he has more heirs, just no one talks about them. He starred in one movie the directors were not interested in his life. Now he works in one of the film companies.

Chet Hanks

Tom Hanks had a famous son Colin. But we want to talk about Chet. Tom was married to his wife and this marriage lasted more than 30 years. The son has an attractive appearance and he has a lot of female fans. He went to university and got married. Now he has a daughter and is raising her.

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