The emotional reunion of an owner with his lost puppy

The man couldn’t stop kissing his dog after finding him many months later 

The story is about a lost pit bull named Blue, who couldn’t be located for a few months. The owner searched everywhere, but he wasn’t able to find him and he had to move to Texas, so he lost hope to find his beloved puppy. And later his friend saw the shelter’s advertisement.

The animal shelter in Washington County received a call. A homeless puppy went to a person’s home to find refuge. The puppy was very friendly with people, although it wasn’t clear how long he had been roaming the streets.

The refugee had to close doors from people to protect their animals from the Covid 19 virus and only allows visitors to enter by appointment. And because of this Blue had to stay there for many months without being located.

It was a big happiness for his father, who always knew he would find his beloved puppy.

The shelter captured a video of a puppy and shared it on their Facebook to find owners for him and one of the comments was «That’s my dog» and they wanted to know if it was true.

They met the man and he showed them photos of Blue playing with the same blue ball at his house. It was his beloved toy.

The loving owner went almost 1200 miles to see his pet and their reunion was very moving, as they hadn’t seen one another for many months.

The shelter staff wrote, that it was obvious the puppy and the human had a strong bond. Then they kissed one another without stopping.


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