«Her transformation even surprised herself»: a 73-year-old woman did not like her long rare hair

The woman saw her fatigue in the mirror and decided to restore part of her youth.

Many dreams of long hair. However, long hair for some people is a nightmare.

One illustration-Sandy, a 73-year-old resident of Boston, Massachusetts.

Since her hair was below her shoulders, she was proud that she dismissed them, but she turned her over how they looked!

Like many other ladies of her age, Sandy was not satisfied with how she looked and wanted her to be a little more blown by beauty.

Fortunately, she was in the right place as soon as she flopped into a handsome chair.

They argue that «age is just a figure» and «you are as many years old as you feel». Sandy is still one person who does not believe that her actual age really reflects what she actually feels inside.

Despite the fact that she was seventy, she felt like a young lady in forty. But, as often happens, Sandy also felt the ghost of the old mother nature.

The woman from the east coast saw her fatigue in the mirror and needed help to restore part of her youth.

«I just need a little energy, because I get a little tired when I get older», she admitted.

With age, our hair tends to become thinner, and sometimes it is more difficult to grow them, which is an alarming characteristic.

The dermatologist and clinical teacher of the USC Tsippora Shainhouse talked with Women’s Health.

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