She was raised by a nanny because her mother didn’t give her attention.
Ashley Dunn Bratcher spoke about her life to online users. Upon learning that this brave woman had to survive, it is impossible to remain indifferent.
Ashley looked like his friend until six years old, but when her father left the family, everything changed.
After a difficult divorce from her parents, the young girl found that her mother did not need her at all.
Ashley brought up the nanny because Ashley’s mother did not pay due attention to her.
When the girl’s nanny began to intimidate her in an adult way, the situation worsened. Ashley developed hostility in herself, as she could not express her feelings for her mother.
Ashley gained weight very quickly. When Ashley was 27 years old and she alone raised her 5-year-old son, she decided to share her experience.
The mother claimed that the child helps her in the household, warming up food, putting things in the washing machine, and cleaning the house.
Ashley is difficulty to fulfill his tasks. Ashley spends most of his free time lying on the couch and rarely leaves the house.
She cannot stand for a long time due to problems with her back. The woman whose life got out of control decided to perform an operation to reduce the abdomen.
Ashley managed to lose weight by almost 100 kg in one year. Now it weighs 226 kg.
Although she is satisfied with the result, the woman realizes that her aspirations do not end there. On this Ashley will not finish his efforts.