Once abandoned cute fox changed a lot after he spent a month with people

The veterinarians checked his health and came to the conclusion that he was okay.

This red-haired baby was found in the forest, where he lived with a bunch of branches and grass. The fox barely stood on the paws of hunger and dehydration and was afraid of everyone and everything.

He was taken by the defenders of the zoo since he did not even have the strength to escape. The volunteers took him, wrapped in a blanket, in which he finally was able to warm up to the center of protection and salvation of animals.

In the center for the fox, all the conditions for recovery were created. The veterinarians checked his health and came to the conclusion that everything was in order with him.

An individual aviary was allocated to the found baby, in which he soon could feel safe, despite the restriction of freedom of movement.

Care and healthy nutrition soon did their job: gray shabby fur was replaced by thick and fluffy and shone with a noble red.

He quickly found a common language with the dog, which he met on a walk.

So, the little shy animal again became active and cheerful, and now in his appearance, nothing resembles that helpless creature on the verge of life and death, found in the forest under an armful of wilted grass and branches.

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