The cute cat lived with three dogs in the same house and already thought that she was also a dog

The cute kitten plays with them, sleeps, and walks.

Typically, cats and dogs living in the same territory are in a constant war for their section.

And they are sharply distinguished by their life position. If a cat walking on its own considers himself a master, then God is a god for the dog.

Divide a house with a cat and a big dog risk. True, sometimes, if from birth a puppy and a kitten grew together, then the situation is changing.

After all, then the pets perceive each other as game comrades. But this does not always happen. However, there are exceptions.

An example is the Japanese family, in the house of which three dogs of the Siba Inu breed already lived, and also managed to get a cat.

Well, they really wanted a Briton to live with them.

It turned out that Kiki unexpectedly joined the ranks of dogs, feeling like an absolutely equal member of their community. The kitten plays with them, sleeps, and walks.

She feels like a dog with all her habits and hobbies. Would you like to have a cat that behaves like a dog?

Look at these photos. This team is equipped only by Kiki!

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