She not only gave birth and raised them, but also did it alone.
Pregnancy and becoming a parent are often a joyful and exciting moment for couples, but for some it can be difficult and difficult to experience.
This is especially true for the mother of these triplets, who not only gave birth and raised them, but also did it alone.
Despite the difficulties that she faced, she took responsibility for raising her children and devoted herself to ensure that they provide them with the best possible life.
Father, on the other hand, could not cope with the news that he became a parent, and immediately threw his mother and children.
He was scared and did not return, leaving his mother to educate the triplet.
It is unfortunate that he could not be at the height of his position and support his family in such a critical time.
Their mother turned to social networks to document her journey as a single mother.
Her Instagram page is filled with photographs and videos of lovely and charming triplets, as well as their success.
It is clear that, despite the difficulties that she faced, she did an amazing job of raising her children and providing them with love and care.
We hope that as the triple grows, they will become not only good men, but also good fathers.
They will have a unique view of the importance of being next to their family, and at the sacrifices that are required to be a good parent.
This is a reminder to all of us that being a parent is not always easy, but it is worth it.