«Main seductress of the 1980s»: this is how Sybill Shepherd looks like from whom Bruce Willis refused

The actress still looks great even after so many years.

In the late 1980s, Sybill Shepherd was a real sex icon.

The actress achieved great fame after she starred with Bruce Willis in the television series «Moonlight Detective Agency». Due to how well they looked in the film, the fans expected that the cast would be a couple, but the actors agreed only to fleeting relations.

Despite the fact that 72-year-old Sybill Shepherd still considers Willis a «beautiful man» and experiences warm feelings for him, she recently stated that she did not regret the rupture of their relationship more than 30 years ago.

Bruce-free married guy, who is also seriously ill, so it’s a pity that their reunion is no longer expected.

It was unexpected that Shepherd would visit the lunch, Hollywood Reporter.

The 72-year-old actress walked along the carpet and was spinning in front of the cameras, wearing a red elongated jacket, trousers, and a black turtleneck. Sybill was constantly shining, and she had a wonderful bob haircut.

The skin of the Hollywood star also differs in that it looks young for its age. She has no noticeable folds and beautiful flat skin.

The actress still looks great even after so many years,-the network users noted in the comments.

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