Despite a difficult life, she tries with great courage to change her life.
The heroic story of this young lady will be very inspiring for many people who are tired of constant work and life.
Meet this 19-year-old sweet and brave girl named Lada Karol, who is a great example for many people.
She is a real heroine who, despite a difficult life, with great courage tries to change her life.
Although she is only 19 years old, Lada is already a mother of two children.
Only recently she gave birth to her second child, and after only three days she had to look for work.
The reason is clear: her children needed to be fed urgently, as their father had done nothing for his children.
Caring Lada works as a delivery lady, delivering dozens of orders every day.
However, she always goes to her workplace with her eldest son.
She was so tired of her marriage that she finally decided to leave her husband.
When the young lady got married, she was only 17 years old.
Although the mother tried to keep her teenage daughter from taking such a decisive step, Lada did not follow her mother’s advice.
Soon an unwanted life began for her, as her husband put up barriers even in relations with his mother.
Fortunately, after realizing and claiming her right to be more independent, she was reunited with her mother and grandmother.
They help a young mother by taking care of her children to enable her to work and feed her children.