«Boy’s act touched hearts»: a 6-year-old boy put all his toys in the yard and distributes them to children in need

The boy collected his toys and put them in the yard to distribute🥹🥹

For some children, it’s just fine when they can earn their first money during their childhood. But this 6-year-old boy was not interested in business and profit. His name is Blake he is from Florida.

He made a “shop” for himself but did not want to earn money. He offered his toys and books to all children in need for free.

One day the boy’s mother told him to clean the room. Of course, it was very difficult for the boy because he had a lot of toys and he had to put them in their places.

But when the boy heard that there are children who have very few toys and even those who have no toys at all, he was very sad. He didn’t think for a long time, an idea came to his mind.

He decided to collect all his toys and put them on the table in the yard. Near the toys there was an inscription: «Cheer up! Come to my house! I have free toys for you». He stood under the sun and patiently waited for the children.

The first person who approached him was the builder who worked on a house across the street. The boy gave him his beloved robot. The kind man promised to send it to his grandson.

Then gradually other guests came to him and brought him two more toys and exchanged them. There were families who did not come for toys, they were interested in books.

In the evening a teacher came to him to tell how proud she was of her student.

The boy decided to give the rest of the toys to school and at school they decided to give these toys to children when they have good behavior. He even wanted to give his favorite cap with the emblem of Captain America, but his parents did not allow him.

Blake did not want to leave his booth, he even put a chair there so that he would not miss anyone. He is a small boy but he has a big heart.

Thanks to him!

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