This is great when it is seen how a dad crocodile carries 100 babies on his back

A huge crocodile «transports» a hundred little cubs on his broad back.

Indian photographer Dhritiman Mukherjee spent several weeks in the National Reserve Chambala in India.

And there he managed to take an incredible photo in which a huge crocodile floats along the sacred river and «transports» a hundred small cubs on his broad back.

Residents of the Ganges are on the verge of extinction due to the deterioration of the conditions of their natural habitat.

In total, about six hundred and fifty adult representatives of this rare species remained in Nepal and India, and most of the individuals-five hundred-are in Chambala. These unique reptiles have a length of more than 4 meters and weigh up to 900 kilograms.

Other crocodiles tolerate offspring in the mouth, but the muzzle of Gangetic gharials is narrow and long, and the teeth are incredibly sharp. Therefore, representatives of this species chose another way to move babies through water-on-large backs.

In the picture, Mukherjee is a male, who probably mated with a family of eight females. All small crocodiles settled on the back of the father: it is males that perform transport functions.

A photograph taken by a talented and patient photographer received the highest assessment at a competition organized by the Museum of Natural History in London. Mukherjee is one of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year nominees.

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