After a warm soap bath and processing of wounds, it became better for him.
For the first time, the animal was noticed in a strange-looking animal in the January living room wandering around the pet store. As it seemed to local residents then, she was almost completely devoid of wool.
A long and painful treatment began. The animal was painful, but after a warm soap bath and processing wounds, it became better.
After the procedures, the rest of the doubt that it was him, a completely different look came out. It took a few more weeks of round-the-clock care so that the disease retreats.
In the center, the new ward was given the name Hobo. Now lives on the street in a separate aviary.
Every day, the service staff combed his overgrown hair and cleansed healing wounds. Hobo came to life. He runs a lot and plays to become stronger.
According to experts, the animal has a good chance of complete recovery. After treatment, he will be returned to the wild, where he will live his life strong and free. The meeting with the saviors divided the life of the tramp in two.