«How can girls live like this? »: this is how this muscular female bodybuilder lives

One day she sacrificed femininity for professional bodybuilding.

Natalya once weighed only 40 kilograms. The girl began bodybuilding in adolescence. Once she sacrificed femininity for professional bodybuilding. Now more than 807 thousand people have subscribed to her account.

Natalya at the age of 26 became a professional powerlifter, a bodybuilder, and an international master of sports in the field of traction and lift. Now she raises weights that are heavy even for men. The press on the chest in standard training is 165 kilograms, and the traction is 240 kilograms.

According to the woman, several training a week is enough for her to feel good.

Natalya admits that she has reached a state in which her body is now located, including with the help of plastic surgery: it is simply impossible to pump the female breasts, as she wanted. Nevertheless, it is this honesty that bribes all its fans in Natalya.

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