Labrador proved that love and compassion are inherent in all living things.
Love has no boundaries. Love does not know the language. Love is ready to take care of others, even if they are completely alien creatures. And in the case of this story, we have just an example of true love for other creatures.
This wonderful Labrador proved that love and compassion are inherent in all living things. And he received fame on the Internet a year ago, thanks to his selfless act, when he took orphaned ducklings for education and attention.
He raised birds and gave them basic knowledge about survival and life in this world.
And what do you think? This year, he repeated his «parental» feat, he became about six more babies from the brood of musk ducks. At first, there were 14 of them then for some reason, for some reason, she abandoned these six.
And the 11-year-old Fred again caused the tenderness of users of social networks, taking up education and this, fortunately, last year’s experience has not yet been forgotten.
Fred is always next to his new family and warms them with his warmth, licks, and walks. And the chicks, abandoned by their mother, have already mastered the wisdom of quickly climbing the back and head of their adoptive father.