The kindest and most caring cat adopted a pit bull puppy and believes that he is her baby

The cat has become so attached to the puppy that she considers him to be hers.

Traditionally, cats and dogs are considered enemies, but sometimes completely incredible cases happen in nature. Can you imagine that a cat can become a mother of an orphaned puppy?

Looking at how a cat, nicknamed Larnet, feeds his kids, you will not immediately understand that among tiny kittens there is a pit bull puppy.

«A few days ago, a puppy hit our shelter. He is only a week from the clan and he needs motherly love. Therefore, we decided to try to place it with Larnet, who recently had kittens. Surprisingly, everything went very smoothly, and the cat accepted the puppy into the family», says Sharon Harvey, an employee of the shelter.

When she first saw a puppy, Larnet slowly sniffed him. Of course, she realized that this was not another kitten at all, but the puppy was so helpless that Larnet could not stay away.

He was adopted into the family, and the employees of the shelter gave him the name Nolan.

Over the past week, the cat has so attached to the puppy that he considers him his own. Of course, the puppy is slightly larger than kittens, and the cat cannot feed it completely, so from time to time, Nolan is fed from the bottle.

Interestingly, Nolan is not in the shelter around the clock. One of the employees of the shelter takes him to his home for the night. Well, Larnet is looking forward to the return of Nolan every morning!

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