«They are 12, and already weigh 100 kg»: twins eat continuously and do not stop

The fact is that a person with this illness cannot regulate his appetite.

Steve and Eddie Aernam, American twins are 12 years old. Prader-Willi syndrome, a very rare disease, affects boys.

As a result, Steve and Eddie weigh 100 kg each.

The fact is that a person with this disease cannot regulate his appetite and is constantly hungry.

It is said that Prader-Willi syndrome, a chromosomal anomaly, affects 1 out of 25,000 babies.

The fact that a person with this disease can eat until he dies is the worst.

In addition, people with Prader-Willi syndrome often have obesity, muscle hypotension, diabetes, and extremely low intelligence.

Due to the autism of Steve and Eddie, their mother must constantly be in touch in order to follow every step of their special sons.

Diana, the mother of the boys, must hide medicines, cleaning agents, and cat food from them.

Diana put her sons on a low-calorie diet, as she understands that excess weight becomes incredibly harmful to their life.

It is true that the insatiable desire of the boys makes them act aggressively, demanding food and stomping everything in their path.

Diana needs to be patient because at present there is no cure for this disease, which can only come from her mother’s love.

The power of will is a very important thing in human life.

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