Even while he was still a fetus, his own mother desired to have him removed.
Gerard Depardieu was a very complicated, and sometimes dangerous childhood.
In addition, the actor’s parents are to blame for this. His life was already in danger, although formally he was not yet born.
Even when he was still a fruit, his own mother wanted him to be removed.
The parents of Depardieu were typical poor farmers. When the wife became pregnant, there were already two children in the house.
Parents understood that it would be even more difficult to provide for them on their own. Therefore, the mother decided to have an abortion.
She even pierced her tummy with knitting needles, doing this, but the child survived to spite everyone else.
The actor’s father drank a lot because he had too much weight. Gerard escaped from home at the age of 14 and made serious problems.
Most of the young man’s clients were respectable men, and he committed robberies, ravaged the tombs, and indulged in prostitution. Depardieu, however, was able to see the possibility granted to him by fate.
He and his friend accidentally took lessons in acting, which helped him become the most famous and rich actor in France.