«Twelve years later she had eight children»: it seems she is the happiest mother in the world

After giving birth to her children she spent a large amount of time in the spotlight.

The story of the mother, who gave birth to eight children at once, fell into the headlines of newspapers around the world in 2009 and made a splash in the medical field.

After wonderful births, a woman, Nadia Suleman, widely known as «Octomom», became widely known. Despite the early births, all eight babies survived and a week after giving birth they beat the world record. Having given birth to eight children as a single mother, Nadya Suleman spent a lot of time in the spotlight.

Some people did not agree with her choice, while others praised her for her courage and perseverance. But after more than 12 years, the Suleiman family flourishes. ECO therapy and a fertility expert named Michael Kamvara helped Nadya, who fought with fertility and tried to conceive a child when she was married, but unsuccessfully, to have several children without a husband.

However, it is known that Subsequently, Kamvara was excluded from a medical organization in connection with a problem related to Nadya’s pregnancy. The facts that led to its decision are not entirely known. Despite the problems with reproductive function, this bold woman stubbornly tried to create a family.

In 2001, she gave birth to a boy, and a year later a daughter. By the age of 30, she had six children, four men and two daughters, including twins.

After she behaved restrainedly since the birth of the children, neither her current life status nor her appearance is known to the general public.

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