«Photos are extremely funny»: Kate Middleton defeated Prince William in the competition in a skirt and heels

Kate wrests the coveted victory from her husband with undisguised pleasure.

The new publication of the Prince and Princess of Wales turned into a real fiasco for William.

According to the Daily Mail, on the eve of St. David’s Day (March 1), members of the royal family visited South Wales and paid special attention to supporting mental health initiatives.

Together with her husband, Kate went to the Aberavon sports and recreation center in the port-Tolbot. Just there, a royal couple was waiting for an unusual surprise.

William and Kate were invited to participate in a 45-second race on exercise bikes. Middleton initially doubted that her outfit was suitable for such a competition, but did not flirt for a long time and boldly entered a sports battle with her husband.

After a few seconds, the princess even asked to increase the resistance on the simulator. And in less than a minute, she was declared the winner of the tour de Abravon and received a symbolic prize.

The shots of the duel between the prince and the princesses of Wales have already flooded the network and become the reason for universal fun.

The photo shows that Kate with ease and undisguised pleasure pulls his husband’s cherished victory. And William himself looks clearly tense and tries not to hit his face with all his might.

Of course, it was possible to assume that William, as a true prince, simply lost to the lady of his heart in this duel. But his outcast look suggests that the victory was honest.

According to the Daily Mail, to the question of one of those present in the hall about how he feels, William jokingly answered: «Let’s talk about it in a minute». Our respect to Princess Kate!

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