These cute and interesting creatures have become Internet stars because of their unique behavior

Having grown a little stronger, the babies immediately set off to explore the world.

To impossibility, these animals amaze with their behavior all users on social networks. In the zoo of the capital of Japan, Tokyo, their family boasted of replenishment by babies who delight the eyes and soul.

Having strengthened a little, the babies immediately went to explore the world and instantly conquered millions of human hearts with their touching behavior.

Everyone notes mercy, unusual and funny creatures. The senior meerkats carefully guard the newly born, despite the fact that they are not even their parents. These animals, apparently, believe that strangers do not exist.

These charming babies strive to learn more about the environment, nothing scares them. Such small, and already such real daredevils. The whole family teaches younger ones to hunt and catch Scorpions.

These mammals spend their day in search of food, digging new holes or improving old ones. In their free time, they are engaged in their favorite pastime-gnawing in the sun.

Due to their characteristic sociability, the dimensions are constantly strayed into flocks of up to 30 individuals, but colonies of up to 60 individuals are rare.

As for nutrition, the diet includes insects, bird eggs, spiders, scorpions, lizards, and snakes. Life expectancy in a zoo or home is 10-12 years, and the usual habitat allows you to live much less than five years.

If after viewing the photos you have sympathy for the meerkat and the desire to start them at yourself, then do not hesitate for a second. You will definitely never regret this decision!

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