Very nice to see a bear cub who came to visit people and played with a sociable German shepherd

The woman checked the surveillance camera and discovered an amazing development of events.

Jenn Sargent, a Vermont resident, learned from her neighbors that a bear used to visit her property.

The woman checked the security camera and discovered a surprising development: her German Shepherd was pleased with the guest.

A bear cub accidentally found itself near a human dwelling and tried to chase a dog named Jameson, but he did not seem to be too scared and began to jump around a wild beast.

At some point, he even stood on his hind legs, and then the animals continued to get acquainted, sniffing each other.

In total, the meeting lasted 7 minutes, and Jenn breathed a sigh of relief, making sure that no one was hurt, and the bear went into the forest.

This time, either he or the bear cub, or both of them were in a game mood» at the same time, and everything ended well-however, we must remember that this is not a typical ending.

Such a large animal can be hurt by a dog, and he can easily kill her.

Recently, the scene of the «care» of the polar bear for the dog has attracted wide attention, but it only looked cute from the outside: the wild beast had already eaten several dogs on the site and, in this case, was probably playing with the future victim.  like a cat and a mouse.

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