They decided to have a unique appearance for their wedding photo shoot.
Probably, extraordinary wedding photos of this couple are still remembered by some Internet users.
11 years ago, Irina and Alexander decided to create a unique image for their wedding photo shoot.
Suddenly, many users around the world showed great interest in photographs of their boom.
Then their crazy story immediately scattered over the network.
In addition, everyone assumed that soon after the wedding they would divorce.
However, to the displeasure of users, they are still together and even have children, creating happiness.
Actually, their strange and unusual appearance made people either be surprised or laugh at them.
An old dress and costume resembled the Middle Ages.
As if they were shot for the series «Dracula» or another fantastic film, where only emo should be invited and ready.
However, they just wanted to be unique on their special day.
Moreover, they loved each other so much that their family is already 11 years old.
Lada and Elisha – Successful daughters of the couple.
The famous duet earns well and provides two daughters to all.
Alexander is now a popular photographer who often shares photographs of celebrities.
Irina recently turned 37 years old, and she is also busy with her business.
She is also a good mother and best friend of her daughters and husband.
According to the woman, they live a rich life, but with mutual love and constant support.
This is their secret of happiness.