The dog, with her bark, led her owner to the baby dolphin, which could not return to the sea

These beautiful dogs are sensitive, intelligent, and quick-witted.

Dogs are the animals that save the most lives.  They are sensitive, intelligent, and quick-witted.

Our pets are real heroes who need our attention and appreciation.  Believe it or not, they are ready to lay down their lives for us.

The protagonist of this story is Leia, a springer spaniel who spotted a porpoise washed ashore while walking with her owner.

In a moment the dog barked and led her master to the shore.  The man followed Leia to see what happened.

This man was walking along the beach near Crixiet, Wales, with his 2-year-old dog when the pet started making a fuss.  When Rich went to get the dog, he noticed a creature that looked like a dolphin.

It was a beached creature that Rich mistook for a dolphin.  The sea creature was later identified as a baby guinea pig.

Rich walked over to the fish and gently helped it back into the sea.  At first, the dolphin had trouble navigating the waves, but soon he was safe in the water.

However, Rich did not immediately leave the coast.  He stayed there with Leah for over an hour to make sure the baby guinea pig didn’t wash up on the beach again.

Rich says his dog got extra treats for his heroism.  He mentions that Leia is smarter than most dogs.

When the footage appeared on the Internet, it immediately went viral.  Many people praised Leah and her owner for the great job they did together.

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