Girls constantly carried birth certificates with them to prove that they were sisters.
We are used to the fact that if they are twins, we should be like two drops of water, they are similar to each other.
It happens that if they are born with different appearance, then there are still similar facial features, which unequivocally indicates that they are brothers and sisters.
It’s just that these twins did not believe in their kinship, the girls constantly brought with them a birth certificate to prove it.
Lucy and Mary were born in 1997 in the family of the British Donna and Vincon Eilmer.
Mother recalls that when she first saw the kids, she was speechless.
After all, they were completely different. Lucy was a blonde with red curls and blue-blue eyes.
And Mary had dark skin, brown hair and brown eyes.
Interestingly, the probability of the birth of such twins, two races, is one to five hundred.
As it turned out later, the mother of the girls was born on Jamaica, and her father is a brown Briton.
In addition to twins, there are still children in the family, but they all inherited the dark color of the mother’s skin, but Lucy of them all is brighter than even dad.
As it happens with ordinary children, the sisters have absolutely not the same character.
Lucy loves to wear dark clothes, apply bright makeup, and Mary, on the contrary, likes lighter and more delicate colors.
Nevertheless, girls find in common: this is curly hair.
But Lucy does not like this gift of nature, so she always builds them.
Despite the difference, sisters are still closely connected with each other.
They love each other very much and do not imagine how they would live without born.
What do you think?